statement onmodern slavery

For the financial year ended 31 March 2019

David’s Bridal UK Limited (for the purposes of this statement "David’s Bridal") is committed to ensuring that our business and supply chain reflects our values and respect for human rights. We are committed to improving our practices to combat modern slavery and human trafficking.

David’s Bridal UK Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of David’s Bridal, Inc.; which has its head office in Conshohocken, Pennsylvania, United States. David’s Bridal, Inc. through itself and wholly owned subsidiaries employs 11,000 people worldwide, has operations in the United States, Canada, Puerto Rico, and the United Kingdom and sources goods and services from around the globe. David’s Bridal is a clothier that specializes in wedding dresses, prom gowns, and other formal wear.

One of the core values of David's Bridal is ensuring all suppliers follow the highest of ethical sourcing, manufacturing, and labour practices. David's Bridal has developed a Code of Conduct that all suppliers are required to follow which ensures that the company only does business with suppliers who engage in ethical practices. Our Code of Conduct prohibits the use of child or forced labour and discrimination in employment. It also requires that fair and lawful wages and benefits are paid and applied, health and safety standards are met, ethical standards are maintained, and environmental laws are followed. We proudly furnish the following summary to the public of our efforts in this regard:

  1. All suppliers, both domestic and foreign, are required to sign the David's Bridal Code of Conduct to certify compliance with its provisions.
  2. We require all suppliers to maintain internal accountability standards and procedures, to demonstrate compliance with David's Bridals' Code of Conduct. Any supplier who cannot provide proof of compliance when asked, or are found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct, are required to take corrective action or face termination of supplier's relationship with David's Bridal.
  3. We conduct selected, unannounced foreign supplier audits to evaluate their compliance with David's Bridal's Code of Conduct, including human trafficking and slavery. The audits are conducted by independent third party inspectors of all foreign suppliers to assess risks of human trafficking and slavery, as well as compliance with David's Bridal's Code of Conduct.
  4. Company employees and management who have direct responsibility for supply chain management are trained on the provisions of David's Bridal's Code of Conduct, including human trafficking and slavery, particularly with respect to mitigating risks within the supply chain of products sourced by David's Bridal.

To download a copy of the David’s Bridal Code of Conduct, please click the following link: Appendix B Contractors Code of Conduct

This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes David’s Bridal’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ending March 31, 2019.

signature of Lori C. Kinkade

Signature of Director of David’s Bridal UK Limited