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Sexy Wedding Dress from David's Bridal

5 Tips for Pulling Off a Sexy Wedding Dress

How to wear a sexy wedding dress even Grandma will love. 

If there’s one thing that the bride looks forward to most on her wedding day – beside that “first look” with her love – it’s wearing the dress of her dreams. And while some prefer traditional fairytale wedding gowns, others are more interested in the plunging necklines and sheer fabrics that come with a sexy wedding dress. But there’s a fine line between pulling off a sexy look and going overboard. Here are a few tips to ensure you look sexy and elegant on your wedding day: 

Take a subtle risk.

If the traditional gown isn’t your style, don’t be afraid to be different and go with a dress that steps outside of your comfort zone. Take a risk by choosing an unexpected silhouette you’ve never tried before. A sleek or form-fitting style you’ve never pictured yourself in could turn out to be the perfect dress for you. 

Focus on your favorite feature.

Think about your favorite feature and let the dress accentuate it. Allow the cut or detailing in your gown to hug your back or highlight your decolletage and keep the rest of the dress relatively simple to complement it seamlessly.

Make sure the dress fits properly.

Nothing turns a subtle sexy dress into a fashion fiasco like a wardrobe malfunction. At your final fitting, make certain every inch fits perfectly. If you can’t make further alterations, just improvise. Wardrobe tape could be your saving grace on your wedding day!

Prioritize comfort.

Your wedding dress shouldn’t be a game of give and take. That means you can’t compromise on comfort if the gorgeous gown you’ve been eyeing doesn’t agree with you. Between the amount of dancing and mingling that takes place on your wedding day, finding a dress that’s equally sexy and comfortable is a must.

Remember: Balance is key.

Wearing a dress that’s both classy and sexy will give you the standout look you’re after for all the right reasons. You can also balance out your look through the way you wear your hair, makeup, and accessories. If your dress is super sexy, more understated hair and makeup may be the way to go for a sophisticated look overall. 

Every woman should feel beautiful and confident on her wedding day, so choose a dress with the perfect dose of sexy for youMake an appointment to find “the one” today!

Photos: Stephanie Williams // Production & Styling: Jillian Clark of 100 Layer Cake  // Flowers: Of the Flowers // Hair: Trace Henningsen // Makeup: KC Witkamp // Venue: Palihouse West Hollywood

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